Creative Power Resources, Inc.
226 Palmer Road
Bangor, PA 18013
Normal Sinus Rhythm
CPR:    Bringing Powerful Ideas To Life!

Robert L Rauck
Ph:   215-362-0258
Fax:   215-362-3458

For Analog, Power Electronics or Motion/Process Control Consulting Support, E-Mail:
Magnetics Design Links
CWS Bytemark Literature #1
Links to useful magnetics app notes
CWS Bytemark Literature #2
Links to additional useful magnetics app notes
Links to software, app notes, core selection info and much more
HyperPhysics including Electricity & Magnetism
Links to excellent comprehensive series of basic physics discussions including electricity and magnetism
Inductor & Transformer Design
Links to excellent free tutorials on inductor and transformer design
Magnetics Application Literature
Links to free articles on magnetics design
Magnetic Formulas
Links to many basic and advanced magnetics formulas
Magnetics, Inc. Literature Library
Links to extensive library of free information on magnetics design and core selection

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